Now that the current COVID-19 pandemic caused many to work from home. If you’re included in this category – there are plenty of tips that can help with this adjustment.  

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As a remote worker, you may be wondering how to set up an office. This transition can be much more difficult if you don’t know where to start. From where to work to what you need, here are some helpful tips to set up your new home office. 

Choose a Dedicated Area 

If you have a spare room with a door, this can help reduce noise from the rest of the house, especially if you’re frequently on the phone. If you need a large space to spread out your tech equipment, you might need a dedicated studio, separate from the rest of your home. 

Standing Desk 

woman at standing desk

Standing desks are adjustable desks that allow you to both sit or stand. Standing periodically while you’re hard at work is a healthier option compared to long periods of sitting. Standing also reduces weight gain, lowers blood sugar levels, and decreases the risk of heart disease. As a bonus, standing desks are known to relieve back pain. 

Have Proper Lighting 

woman at desk with lamp

Working in a naturally lit space helps reduce headaches and eyestrain, helping you to be more productive and healthier in the long-termSetting your desk up near an open window will help with natural lighting. Also, having poor lighting in your room can make you look more unprofessional on video calls. If you don’t have access to a window in your room, consider purchasing a lamp or two and place them around your workspace.  

Have a Way to Keep Time  

When you’re working from home, it’s easier to forget about the time. Before you know, you’ve worked 14 hours for the second day in a row. Set alarms or document your time on a sheet of paper to keep track of work hours. 


Laptop that is shut off

You’ll be much more productive if you get up and move around throughout your day. Taking brief mental rest periods to break up your workday will drastically improve your focus. Something as simple as walking around your house or looking out a window can relieve work stress.  

By planning out a home office space, then organizing and decorating it to express who you are, can be fun. Your work will be better, and you will appreciate working at home.